Chapter Summaries

About the Study

This study intends to provide guidance to all those who have doubts about the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, but don’t know how to argue against them.


  • “Belshazzar’s banquet” in Daniel’s book, chapter 5, is a propaganda story to strengthen Jewish faith (time of creation: 539–331 BC). This story has virtually nothing to do with the actual events. Its alleged author and Belshazzar’s contemporary witness, the biblical Daniel, is a fictional person. Contradictory statements by Jehovah’s Witnesses in their book “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy!” as well as in a study by Denis Kaiser about Belshazzar, are not true. The period of creation of Daniel’s book extends over several centuries.
  • Belshazzar’s death did not occur in Babylon after a banquet but probably in the battle
    near Opis (539 BC) against the Persian troops.
  • Nebuchadnezzar’s madness is a fictional story. It is derived from the ‘Stanza Poem of
    Nabonid’ (cuneiform text).
  • Daniel erroneously considers Nebuchadnezzar to be Belshazzar’s father.
  • A diversion of the Euphrates – described in JWP – as well as Babylon’s nocturnal surprise (539 BC) by Persian troops are legends, too. They are from Herodotus’ “Kleio” 1,191.



Chapters of the Study