Chapter Summaries

About the Study

This study intends to provide guidance to all those who have doubts about the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, but don’t know how to argue against them.

The Disgusting Thing

Daniel’s book, chapter 11, reports on the desecration of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. There, the Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes let set up a Zeus Altar (= “abomination that makes desolate”, Daniel 11:31) in the year 168 BC to make Jewish worship impossible. Jehovah’s Witnesses, however, interpret Daniel 11:31 completely different. For them, the abomination is identical with the League of Nations (1919-46) which they call “the disgusting thing”. They believe, that the League of Nations resurrected, as announced in Revelation 17:8, as the UN in the year 1945. In fact, however, Daniel’s book has nothing to do with the League of Nations and Revelation 17:8 doesn’t aim at the UN but at the Roman emperor Nero.



Chapters of the Study